Friday, April 3, 2015

December Phone Pics!

Gus was back and better than ever this year! ;)

Feeding Frosty marshmallows!

Ahh, my little Christmas baby!!

It's not Christmas without a fishing trip with Gus!

Playing the piano like Charlie Brown...

His new favorite spot, haha oh well at least we got out moneys worth!

Gus stole a yogurt... that was borderline not funny! Haha!

Saying goodbye to brother before school <3

Classic Santa bubble pic:)

We go through 5 towels just for the water mess in itself!

Guess Beck wasn't digging the story! ;)

Chicka fila!

My Christmas babies!!

Nom nom, s'mores!

Happy 3 months Beck...

now let me break ya (no pun intended) in!! :)


Happy 3rd Birthday Ben! Our "best buddy"!

When the parents keep partying and you find your children like this... there's your sign!!

Who ate my gingerbread man?!?

Every single time this kid requests chicken wings for Daddy to cook him on the grill! I agree Gray, they are pretty delicious!!

PJ fun with his one and only, Ley Ley!!

Headed for his last day of school before Christmas Break! Tongue out!!

Oh silly Gus!

The only thing this kid will eat when he's sick... "CHICKA FILA!!"

Ohhh pudge ;) gimme that belly!

Now that's a North Pole breakfast!!

Holy smokes! Sugar overload ;)

Momma learned how to draw a ninja turtle! Yes, I watched a tutorial... oh the things you do! Ha!

Keeping the tradition going... milkshakes and Christmas lights!!

Homemade donuts! One of my favorite memories from this Christmas! We had so much fun! This is definitely a new tradition in our house... passing it down from when Nonna used to make these for us!

They were delish too!

Date night to the Tigers game!

Two different pictures... same little smirk ;)

Something about a full tummy... kid always crashes in this seat! (And yes we still use a highchair... only way to keep him still during dinner! Whatever works:)

Peppermint bark treats for his teachers!

His buddy, Wyatt's, birthday party from class! This is RJ pictured... his VERY best buddy in class! Or shall I call it, double trouble :)

And always a besty, Coopsta!

Gus brought Grayson chocolate covered star pretzels the day of his school program and told him to "Be a Star!!!"


That smirk <3

He's just delicious!!

Opening up presents from our cousin Chris!! They are a little spoiled by him!

A robot! Now that's awesome!

The day before Gus left (Christmas Eve) Grayson got to touch him as always! Of course he took him to play with his favorite toys... ninja turtles!!

Hugs for Gus!! It's so fun to see how excited he gets to touch him! I mean he did wait a whole month!! :)

Christmas break play date with Ben & Coop!

They all love their Pop!

Hmm looks like somebody was not into spaghetti night!!!


One of those nights I just couldn't put him down! Gosh I love him so!

My cup runs over!!

Off to the park with Daddio!

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