Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Grayson's Nursery!

Yay, Grayson's nursery is finally complete to a t so I am excited to share some pictures! {Well, actually way too many pictures!} Enjoy ;)

*Grayson's Nursery*

I love this little blue chair - my antique find! We call this the "grandma corner"... the picture was cross stitched by my mom and used in my nursery - it means a lot and since Nonna really isn't into cross stitching these days (ha) passing it down to Grayson seemed like the perfect thing to do!

The yellow blanket is a sweet gift from my mother-in-law. She had this made and get this, the yellow seersucker the blanket is made out of are the table runners from my wedding and the yellow satin trim is from my bridesmaid dresses. How cool! It means so much & I will cherish it forever:) The bedding - 'Dylan Collection - by Serena & Lily' - Love! Can't wait till our little bundle of joy is in there!Daddy had the shelf idea & I love it!
Chris was freaked out by the random little babies in the frames, so we replaced them with our baby pictures! Ha!
The rocker is so comfy and I love his initials on it! And this little hat rack was mine when I was little... perfect for his beach hats :)

The lamp is from Nonna and the cross from Bic Bic :) Very fitting since "Jesus Loves Me" has been the song I've sang to him since they told me he could hear! hehe ;)
He's ready!!

Grayson we are ready... just waiting on you ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Countdown!

I cannot believe we only have 1 month to go!! It seems like the closer it gets, the faster time flies! I have my family baby shower this weekend, a wedding shower, a friends baby shower and another one of my baby showers the next weekend, then I am in a wedding the next weekend, both of my parents & sisters birthday in the midst of all that and then we have one weekend of nothing until the big day! So to say the least time is not going to slow down anytime soon! I am glad my "to-do" list is almost obsolete and the goal to complete "Operation Grayson" by August 1st was a success! I figured we better give hardworking Hubby a weekend to do whatever he wants before he has a conniption! hehe :) I am so very thankful for him though! I definitely couldn't have done it without him and all the Grandparents for that matter! Here are a few pics from the weekends spent preparing! I feel so blessed to have such amazing family to help us get ready for this big debut, ha!

*35 Weeks!*
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 35 weeks
Size of baby: The weight of a honey dew – a/b 5 ¼ lbs; over 18 inches long
Maternity Clothes: Uh, yes!
Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!
Movement: He is still moving a lot! He’s changed positions, but I want to say he’s still breach. Oh well, if it comes down to it we will get you out somehow Mr.!!
Sleep: It’s going so-so. I think I sleep a good amount it’s just not very comfy. I look like a 90 year old grandma walking to my numerous potty breaks!
What I miss: Being mobile! I about can’t get my arse up into Chris’s truck, haha!
Cravings: I really haven’t had any lately – sweets have remained a craving, but they are slowly subsiding. I think I’m just kind of over it.
Symptoms: Sleeeeppy & back hurts!
Best Moment this week: The nursery and all of the Grayson preparations are D-O-N-E!! I have promised to not give Chris another chore and I have declared my middle name as DONE! It looks great and tomorrow I will give you a big peek at Grayson’s nursery! I can’t wait to see him in it! I just sat in his rocker last night singing to him… I think I’m ready ;)

Friday, July 22, 2011

"Letters To Grayson"

Before I announced I was pregnant, I started keeping a journal online so I wouldn't forget any moment of pregnancy. I gradually converted that journal to my blog and this is where I have been keeping Grayson's "baby book". However, I want to include the 'before blog' journals in his book as well. These are a little personal as I was writing to Grayson not the outside blog world, but they are special to me and moments I never want to forget. So here are my "Letters To Grayson"...

Wednesday, December 29th 2010 -
"The Begining..."
Hey little booger! Well, it's only the begining and you have brought me so much joy in just the past week and a half. Your Daddy & I found out on December 17th that we were going to bring you into this world. We have prayed about you before you were even conceived and we feel so blessed to have this tiny little creation cooking in the oven! Nonna and Bic Bic have already bought you some fun things... imagine that! They are going to spoil you to pieces :) But, hey I guess that is what Grandmas are for. You already have so many people that love you!! I wanted to start a little journal so I could remember every little detail of the journey with you in my tummy. I don't want to forget a single day, even if I am hovering over the toilet (you are so worth it!). Well today I guess I got my first weird symptom. I have had the norm, sore boobs and extrememly tired, but today as I was driving to work I thought I was sniffing in chemicals. It smelled really strong and was not making me feel so swell. I checked my heat and everything was normal, then I realized your good ole' Pop had borrowed my car to go hunting and left rubber hunting mats in my car. They made me want to puke! I told Nonna and she said "it's only the begining". Hehe! Like I said, you are worth it. Can you believe you are only an 1/8th of an inch long?? Your Daddy showed me what that looked like on a ruler and you are tiny!! They compare that to the size of a chocolate sprinkle, yummy! Ha! I can't believe you are so tiny and you've already developed your heart and now your eyes, ears and mouth are forming. Wow, I am so amazed at you, my little miracle! This weekend is New Years and I have so much to be excited about in 2011!! 8 months from today I should have your little bitty body in my arms. Oh how I long for that day! I cannot wait to meet you! I can't wait to love you and give you the best life I can possibly give. What an amazing Creator we have that's working so hard creating this amazing life inside of me. Your Daddy and I feel so blessed. We love you already Itta Bena! :)Sweet Kisses, Mommy

Thursday, January 6th 2011-
"2nd Itta Bena Check up"
Hello my little blueberry! Your Daddy and I went to the doctor yesterday for your 2nd doctor appointment. They did all kinds of blood work and thanks to your sweet Daddy I did not pass out. Wow, I'm not quite sure I would have made it if I didn't know it was all for you! Everything looked great so far. Still too early to hear your little heartbeat, but we go back for the ultrasound in 2 weeks. I can't wait for what we will get to see!! I am amazed everyday at how you are growing. I've been trying to learn so much so I will know exactly what you are doing inside my tummy. Here's a little funny... we get little packets from the doctor each visit and this week was equipped with a little newborn diaper. When we got home I did a little 1 on 1 lesson with Daddy. It was too cute! It made my heart melt watching him! He is going to be the best Daddy and I know you will know that before too long! Just don't make too many really stinky diapers, because I'm pretty sure your clean freak Daddy will pass those along to me! :) I was talking to Nonna yesterday about how a calm has come over me when it comes to all the blood work I have to get done for you (so I thought until about the 12th vile yesterday) and she said that's just being a Mom. It really struck me that wow, I am going to be your MOM. That's a big word! I think back to the Mom that Nonna has been from day 1 and I just hope that I can be half the Mom she has been. I can't begin to even put it into words, but you will know exactly what I am talking about when you meet your Nonna. Even though it breaks my heart you will never get to meet your great Grandma Bibbie, Nonna is a replicate of what an amazing woman she was. I am so blessed and thankful that you get to experience the joy of life with such an amazing Grandma, like I did.We pray for you everyday... simply for just a happy, healthy boy or girl! We also pray that we will be the best parents we can be! I hope to guide you in the right direction all of your life and raise you in a strong Christian environment so you can experience all the wonderful gifts God will give you. I love you little angel and can't wait to hold you in my arms one day.

Wednesday, January 12th 2011-
"The Big Ultrasound"
Tomorrow we go to the doctor for your 1st ultrasound!! I am sooo excited! Your Daddy & I cannot wait to see your sweet face and arms and legs! I pray for you everyday, every moment I can that you will just be healthy. I do not care if you are a boy or girl, either way you will be perfect. We've already started a poll, Nonna is secretly thinking a girl & PC is pretty convinced you are a boy, ha! Your Daddy says "she" when he prays and I honestly don't have a clue! I usually always have a gut feeling when it comes to this stuff, but I truly don't. For some reason, I keep picturing a boy but I can also see a girl! Who knows? And what does it matter anyways? Well, I would like to go ahead and thank you for being so very kind to me in the morning sickness department. I have not gotten sick once {knock on wood}! I have been nauseous here and there, but I cannot complain. Sometimes, beside the fact that I'm pretty sleepy always, I feel too good to be pregnant. I just wanna make sure you are in there, ha! You have made me crave the weirdest things and dislike a lot of things too. I'm not quite sure the last time I ate peanut butter but sure had me some this week. Also, your Daddy gets a kick out of it, but the thought of Kentucky Fried Chicken and a McDonalds hamburger makes my mouth water (I usually do not let Daddy pull through Mickey D's drive through because I think it's gross). Ha, not at the moment. However, I have not broken down and eaten it yet. On Saturday we are having some of our close friends over to tell them your little self is on the way. I am so so excited! We've got a future Memphis Tiger shirt for the revealment. So fun! I cannot wait until we are able to spread the joy we have been feeling these past 9 weeks {well, 5 since we found out}. I feel so blessed beyond belief and maybe that's why sometimes I am like oh my gosh am I really going to have a baby?! But yes, it is times like those when I have to sit back and say to myself, yes, God is that amazing!! It is true!! Wow, how humbling:) I cannot wait till I find out what gender you are. Daddy is dying to do a revealment party with the cake so I think that is what we will do. Oh the joy in the room the day we find out, ah I cannot wait. Aunt Stephanie and I looked for you some clothes on the internet the other night. It's so hard to hold back, but I don't want to jump ahead too much and have my baby boy wearing ruffles. Speaking of Aunt Stephanie, you are going to love her! She is pregnant at the same time as Mommy and is going to have either a Leighton or Junior (we will explain when you get older, ha.) I know ya'll will be best friends!! I cannot wait for all the good times to come with friends and family! While were on the subject of Aunts, boy do you have some amazing aunts that already love you so. Aunt Lindz & Aunt Meg are going to be the best aunts ever! The day I see my sister hold you in her arms... wow. One day you will know how much you were already loved at just 9 weeks. For the first time ever I am hoping it will not snow today so that we will be able to make it to the doctor in the morning. Either way, keep on growing baby. Momma and Daddy love you so much! Kisses!

Tuesday, February 1st 2011-
"Bum, bump. Bum, bump."
We got to hear your sweet little heartbeat the other day!!! It was the most amazing sound I've ever heard! Your poor Daddy was going on no sleep and we had to reschedule the appointment due to ice on the roads, but it was well worth the wait! I will never forget the feeling I felt when I heard your heart just beating away. It was so loud and so strong it made my heart race. I have been waiting to hear that sweet sound for 9 weeks now and it gave my heart so much peace. You are really in there and ready to sprout!! We got to share the joy with all of our friends and let them know you are on the way! They were all so excited and even some of your friends came to share in on the excitement! Hudson, Ryder & Kate were playing away and pretty soon you will be there to join in on the fun! I can't wait until you are here, but take your time in there and grow big & strong! Your Daddy has been pushing me to drink my milk everyday so your bones are strong. I've incorporated it with some cereal to help, so I hope you are enjoying that! You must be growing away in there because you sure are making me exhausted. Right now I feel like I am rambling because I am so tired! But that's okay honey, you keep doing what you're doing! We get to go the doctor again 2 weeks from tomorrow and see you again!!! I cannot wait :) Until then, keep a-grownin' and never forget your Mommy & Daddy love you so much!
P.S. We've been telling Copper alllll about you. I think she's warming up to the idea:) I know she will love you and take such good care of you! Ah, a family of 4... sounds just about perfect!

Wow, reading those brings back so much emotion. I can't believe we only have 5 weeks left, it seems like yesterday...and to think my love for him has tripled:)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

34 & less than 6 more!

*34 Weeks!*

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 34 weeks
Size of baby: The weight of a cantaloupe – a/b 4 ¾ lbs and 18 inches long
Maternity Clothes: Yes indeed! Honestly nothing is too comfortable anymore except PJ’s! :)
Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!
Movement: That head of his hurts!! He is still breach (no I’m not freaking out yet! :)) So I don’t feel kicks as much since they are down low (on the bladder, thanks) but his head and arms go crazy and most of the time it’s a huge buldge coming out of my stomach!
Sleep: I feel like I am still getting pretty good sleep, if I can just stay in the sleep zone. Once I wake up I might as well get up and get something accomplished because there is no going back to sleep. I try to keep my eyes somewhat shut as I go on my 20 potty journeys, probably not a good idea!
What I miss: Being comfortable. It's just hard to get comfortable these days!

Cravings: Sweets, of course!
Symptoms: Tired, tired, tired, heartburn, & irritable (well, only at work - ha, but at least I admit it!:))
Best Moment this week: We pretty much have the nursery complete!! Chris’s Dad & my Mom came over Saturday and we went to town! I called it ‘Operation Grayson’. We not only got the nursery finished, but tidied up all the remaining house tasks we had to do post renovations we’ve been working on since February!! It’s all looking good and I hope to have a post on both here soon!

Although I am feeling extremely large these days and not too comfy I do feel like this might be my favorite point of pregnancy. Grayson is moving around so much all the time I feel like it’s so much more real and he’s always reminding me he’s there… getting me so excited!! I feel very relieved we have the nursery complete and not stressed about getting things done. I don’t think I ever went in to nesting mode… I just started nesting 8 months ago. Haha! However, I am glad we started early because with the house & baby preparations there was no time to spare! Finally here we are with our house where we want it and a sweet baby room just screaming Grayson’s name! :) yay!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sneak Peek!

We had our 4d ultrasound yesterday!! As you know, it was our 2nd try since the little angel wanted to snooze in a tuck position the last time. This time was much better, but I think because I am so far along and he has like zip-zero room to move you are only going to see so much! Poor baby got frusterated during the end and was kicking my side so strong with a frown on his face like 'get me out of here, I can't move!' It's crazy what little room they have in there. But please buddy, let's hang in there together for 6 more weeks :) He started out rubbing his eyes like ok, ok I guess I better wake up for this before I piss off my Daddy. Haha! Then he was showing out for a little bit and gave us a big smile while he did what I call a heelstretch! Hehe :) I love him so much already! Here is a little sneak peek at our sweet angel! (Sorry these pics. aren't the best, they are pictures of pictures, but it was the best I could get!)

Here he is with his little arm in front of his mouth. He loves those hands in his face!This picture is really hard to see, but if you can tell he has his knee to his mouth and is giving us a big smile!!! :) This is what I call the heelstretch! Sweet baby face:) That's his leg going up & down on the right... told ya he was crammed!Here is his little frowny face :( He had enough and was ready to go back to sleep!By the end he had his arm wrapped under his thighs and his other arm across his foreheard with his head down resting on his knees! I think he was saying 'ok Mom & Dad gotta go rest up, see ya in 6 weeks (or less)!!' (Chris laughs because I like to say what Grayson would say about things, he reminds me he will not come out of the womb talking- haha!)

It was so amazing getting to see him yesterday! 8 months later and I still can't believe this amazing creation is inside my tummy! God is so amazing!!! I guess you never realize what people mean until it happens to you. But when people say he is a little blessing it no longer goes in one ear and out the other... I truly grasp the concept that this little angel is a miracle, he's the best gift from God Chris & I could ever ask for.

'Blessing: a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness.' Happiness to say the least... God knows what hope we had to have a baby of our own. It was in his will to give us this blessing. I know he has infused this sweet soul with holiness and I hope as parents we can continue to do so when he is here on earth. One thing's for sure we will forever be grateful for His amazing gift!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July & my little firecracker ;)

We had a very relaxing 4th of July weekend! We spent Saturday running errands & getting baby stuff done and then it was time for ribs & fireworks Sunday!! Chris smoked 3 racks of ribs all day and Megan & Dave joined us for some good grub that night! A lot of our neighbors came over and we shot off lots & lots of fireworks!! It was so fun, until I got shot in the foot with a bottle rocket!!! I had decided this year I would not partake in "moving" fireworks and just shoot off the fun sparkly ones incase of a pregnancy tumble! Well I was just sitting in my chair watching Chris go to town and then I heard a "Oh, *explicit*!" I saw the lovely bottle rocket get knocked & was pointing right at me! He went to step on it to stop it, but too late... that sucker hit me right in the foot and as I went to grab Copper {Momma instinct} I thought I was going to feel burns on my arm, but before the thing even had time to spark my foot had a swollen lump the size of a golf ball! I've never seen anything swell that fast, it must have hit a blood vessel or something. So I went hobbling inside as Chris kept saying "are you going to cry?" haha!! No, I didn't cry I think I was so shocked what had just happened and why my foot was swelling by the second. But future physical therapist, Meg, doctored me up and I was a good to go... though a week and half later and my foot is still blue!! Oh well, just glad it wasn't in the stomach and hopefully my child husband has learned his lesson! :)

Chris's yummy ribs!

My festive cupcakes!
He couldn't even wait till the sun went down...
Meg & Dave testing out the goods!
He's dangerous!!
Trying to get a cool shot... hmm, not so much!

I do realize that I haven't posted my pregnancy update since 31 weeks, but I am going to have to jump to 33 weeks. I am behind and it's just a perfect example of how I feel the weeks have been lately... going by to quick to keep up!!

*33 Weeks!*

I'm 33 weeks! (this pic was actually taken at 32 weeks)

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 33 weeks
Size of baby: The size of a pineapple – over 4 lbs and over 17 inches long
Maternity Clothes: About all I can wear!
Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!
Movement: He is moving all the time and immediately when I start eating! His movements are so big now my whole stomach moves!! He goes in to kicking frenzies sometimes and it’s like an earthquake!!
Sleep: Not near as good as it used to be. My legs tingle and of course it’s hard to get comfortable. Then once I wake up I go into “planning baby” mode, I think I’ve packed our hospital bag in my head a time or 2…
What I miss: Being able to give myself a pedicure… I tried that this past weekend, quite comical cramping as I tried to put my foot on the counter!
Cravings: Ice Cream & Sno Cones – I’m glad I just now discovered how good Chick-fil-a milkshakes are!! If I had discovered this at the beginning of pregnancy it could have gotten bad!!
Symptoms: More tired, tingly legs, a little heartburn…oh, and that belly that grows by the day!!
Best Moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat (150 this week, he was a happy boy Wednesday – I think it’s cause his Nonna got back from Miami that day! :)) and he decided to show out at the dinner table Sunday night. My whole fam got to see him flip and flop as we ate. Won’t be long and he will be showing out a lot more for Nonna & Pop:)

The nursery is almost complete so I will be posting pics soon!! I love, love, love it :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Leighton May Bailey!!!

Leighton May Bailey is here!!! Our good friends John and Stephanie had their sweet little girl this morning at 3:04 a.m., weighing 7 lbs 1 oz. She is absolutely precious and I cannot wait to hold her!!! What a sweet little blessing from God! I can't wait for Grayson to meet his girlfriend... I have a feeling they will have lots of playdates!!:) We love you John and Stephanie {and sweet Ley Ley too;)} God is Good!! Happy Friday!! XO~

Friday, July 1, 2011

False Alarm!

So you know those 4d pictures I was supposed to share with you today... well, it ain't happenin'! Little Grayson decided it would be a great time to snooze during the whole ultrasound! Not only was he asleep, but he was breach (which they say is harder to get a good look at), his head was to his knees and his hand was in front of his mouth!! We got to see a little bit of his face, but it wasn't a good look at all so I couldn't tell you who he looks like! We did find out he has hair though, so that was exciting! haha! And he likes to cross his feet and rub them together when he sleeps like his Daddy!! That's about all we got out of that! His heartrate was 142, so looks like it is going to remain in the low 140's the majority of the time. We went to First Impressions in Cordova and they were really nice. They gave us a complimentary ultrasound, since this one didn't work out too well. So we go back July 14th to see if the little booger wants to cooperate! At one point they were pushing on my stomach with the little wand to try to get him to wake up, but all he did was open one eye like "leave me alone!!" and then went right back to sleep!! Oh, I love him and his stubborn personality already!! Poor baby must have been tired! So we will try again in a few weeks!

Before I go, I have one big prayer request!! One of my best friends, Lauren Beckman, and her family found out some unfortunate news over the past few weeks. Her Dad, Brett, has been diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which is a form of cancer they found in 10 of his lymph nodes. They did testing, but do not know the origin as of yet. He began chemo last night and has a long road ahead. Lauren has been keeping me updated and it's amazing how her optimistic spirit still shines during this tough time. It breaks my heart to see her and her family in this pain, but I do believe this is one strong faithful family that can overcome this "gift" as she has renamed it. I love you Loo Loo, Brett and Lecia P!! Please, please pray for the Beckman's and that God willing he will nip this cancer in the bud! Happy 4th of July weekend! xoxo~