Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

We had fun celebrating one special man!! What would our world be without him?!

A little handcrafted gift from the boys!

Beck representing his Daddy with his "My Daddy Rocks!" shirt ;)

I made Chris a homemade Reese Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream cake for a little dinner with our friends he had no idea about! :)

It was amazing and I'll definitely do it again!

Taking Daddy his Starbucks with a candle!

I always let Gray take Daddy his coffee in the mornings and it is one of his favorite things to do! He feels so proud!

Daddy loved it, but was not ready for pictures! Hehe, sorry!;)

I got a bunch of our friends together to go out for dinner and drinks @ Mi Pueblo! It was a lot of fun and I pulled off a little surprise for my babe!

Everyone enjoyed the ice cream cake too!

My birthday boy finished it off!! ;)

We sure love you!! Our world would be upside down crazy, not near as fun and missing a whole lot of love if you weren't in it! Our boys adore you and this Momma admires you! So glad they have such a wonderful role model and I've got quite a hunk to love on!! Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

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